About Me

Welcome! I am a Teaching Fellow affiliated with the Department of Political Science at Sciences Po (Reims Campus). Previously, I served as a postdoctoral researcher for the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 funded Migration Governance and Asylum Crises (MAGYC) Project at the Sciences Po Center for International Studies (Centre de recherches internationales). I specialize in the politics of international migration and European integration. My work for the MAGYC project focused on the externalization of migration control by European states and its impact on migratory flows. 

In December 2021, I obtained a PhD in Government from Georgetown University. My dissertation focused on why European states have developed similar approaches to managing irregular migration despite highly variable economic, social, and political conditions. Specifically, I demonstrate how powerful European states used the establishment of the Schengen Area to impose their preferred approaches for irregular migration management upon their partners.

More broadly, I am interested in the effects of migration on the political systems and societies of migrant-receiving states, be it through the mobilization of migrant diasporas to influence state foreign policies, the development of radical-right political movements and violent civil backlash to migrant populations, or the evolution of public attitudes towards migrants. I am working on several independent and collaborative projects with numerous colleagues with respect to these topics.

My research has been published in Perspectives on Politics, International Migration Review, and Population and Development Review.

In 2015, I obtained a master’s degree from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in “International Cooperation, Humanitarian Action, and the Politics of Development.” In 2011, I graduated from Yale with a B.A. in “Ethics, Politics, and Economics” and “International Studies.”

On a personal note, in addition to my research, I enjoy swimming, practicing cello, playing chess with several close friends, and traveling whenever I get the chance.